Nicholas Choustikov Astrophysics PhD Student in Oxford


Hey, I’m Nick.

I’m a PhD student at the University of Oxford working with Professors Julien Devriendt and Adrianne Slyz. My primary research focuses on studying the impact of magnetic fields on both gas accretion onto supermassive black holes and AGN feedback - with the view to chart these effects on host galaxies. I’m also interested in studying the effect of star-forming galaxies and AGN on reionization with cosmological simulations and exploring the impact of new physics on large-scale structure through the use of cosmological perturbation theory.

Before coming to Oxford, I received my masters in natural sciences from Cambridge in 2022, where I completed both Part II and Part III Astrophysics.

Away from academia, I’m an avid fan of film and books (especially sci-fi!) and photography. I also love playing sport. Presently, I’m particularly addicted to Eton Fives (It’s like squash with your hands!) as well as squash itself.
